Bukit Sembawang Company profile
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Bukit Sembawang Estates Ltd is an investment holding company focused on property development, investment and other real-estate related activities. The company operates in two primary segments which are property development and investment holdings. The company operates numerous subsidiaries including Bukit Sembawang View Pte., Bukit Sembawang Rubber Company Limited, Singapore United Estates Limited and Sembawang Estates Limited.
Bukit Sembawang was founded as a rubber harvesting and exporting company in 1911 and has since grown to become a distinguished upscale residential construction and real-estate conglomerate. Incorporated in Singapore on June 27, 1967, and listed on the SGX main board in 1968, Bukit Sembawang has been at the forefront of the modernisation and transformation of Singapore into a global business hub.
Since that time the company has grown substantially, with a market capitalisation of over $1 billion USD, and has been involved in the construction and operation of some of the largest and most successful residential complexes and commercial properties in Singapore and abroad. Bukit Sembawang is lauded for its environmental and social contributions to the densely populated island of Singapore, as well as for its commitment to fostering cohesion among the diverse population through mentorship programmes and progressive internships.
Bukit Sembawang Estates share price has traded within the 52-week range of S$3.51 - S$4.68 and has an average trading volume of 2.6 million shares per day. The stock opened 2021 at S3.988 and has risen steadily to S$4.63 as of March 18, 2021. Bukit Sembawang has a market capitalisation of S$1.196 billion and saw revenues increase to S$369 million in the 2020 fiscal year, up from S$357 million in 2019.
The latest Bukit Sembawang Estates share price is listed on the main board of the Singapore Stock Exchange, under the ticker symbol B61. By accessing the live price chart on Capital.com you can access the B61 stock price in real time.
You can trade B61 stock now with CFDs and open a long or short position, depending on whether you feel the price will rise or fall. CFDs allow you to profit from upward or downward fluctuations in the B61 stock price on the SGX at Capital.com. Track the Bukit Sembawang (B61) stock price and include this Singapore-based multinational real-estate company in your investment portfolio.
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