Biomerieux Company profile
About BioMerieux SA
Biomerieux SA is a France-based company that specializes in the field of in-vitro diagnostics for medical and industrial applications. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and sells systems used in clinical applications, such as for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, respiratory infections, among others and industrial applications, such as for the analysis of industrial or environmental samples. The Company also provides its customers with related services for the installation and maintenance of instruments, and training for product users. BioMerieux SA operates through its numerous subsidiaries in various countires, including bioMerieux Deutschland GmbH, bioMerieux Austria GmbH, Advencis, bioMerieux Benelux SA/NV, as well as BioFire Diagnostics Inc., chromID CARBA SMART and new bi-plate Petri dish.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, BioMerieux SA revenues increased 8% to EUR3.38B. Net income applicable to common stockholders increased 49% to EUR601.1M. Revenues reflect Microbiology segment increase of 12% to EUR1.06B, Molecular Biology segment increase of 5% to EUR1.27B, Europe & Middle East & Africa (EMEA) (Region) segment increase of 10% to EUR1.12B, America segment increase of 5% to EUR1.67B.
Equity composition
9/2017, 3-for-1 stock split (Factor: 3).
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