Attendo Company profile
About Attendo AB (publ)
Attendo AB (publ) is a Sweden-based company, which is primarily active within care services industry. The Company offers a variety of services, such as care for older people, people with disabilities, individuals and family care. In nursing homes, clients live in their own apartments with access to common areas such as a dining hall, living room, garden and patios. Daily activities are planned by the client together with their contact person and the responsible nurse. Attendo Ab (publ) operates group housing for adults, homes for children with special needs and short-term housing for adults and children. The Company offers individual and family care that covers the social service needs, such as consultant-supported family home care, crisis and emergency housing, dependency care, neuropsychiatry for young people and various forms of support housing.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Attendo AB (publ) revenues increased 5% to SEK12.87B. Net income totaled SEK56M vs. loss of SEK906M. Revenues reflect Attendo Finland segment increase of 9% to SEK6.83B, Attendo Scandinavia segment increase of less than 1% to SEK6.04B, Attendo Finland segment increase of 9% to SEK6.83B, Attendo Scandinavia segment increase of less than 1% to SEK6.04B.
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