Trade New Zealand Dollar / Swiss Franc

Trading Conditions
Long position overnight fee
Long position overnight fee

Margin. Your investment
CHF 1,000.00
Overnight fee
Charges from full value of position
0.0082 %
(CHF 1.64)

Trade size with leverage ~ CHF 20,000.00

Short position overnight fee ~ CHF 19,000.00

Short position overnight fee
Short position overnight fee

Margin. Your investment
CHF 1,000.00
Overnight fee
Charges from full value of position
-0.01642 %
(-CHF 3.28)

Trade size with leverage ~ CHF 20,000.00

Short position overnight fee ~ CHF 19,000.00

Overnight fee time21:00 (UTC)
Min traded quantity1000
Stock exchange
Commission on trade10%

1Our charge for executing your trade is the spread, the difference between the buy and sell price. Please consult the Charges and Fees section of our website for further information


The base currency – NZD. The counter currency – CHF. The NZD/CHF chart is the New Zealand dollar/Swiss franc currency pair. It shows how much the NZD is worth when measured against the CHF. The NZD/CHF currency pair provides an alternative risk play. Considered a risk-correlated currency, the New Zealand dollar is exposed to the world’s economic performance and has high interest rates. The Swiss franc, in turn, has been always referred to as a safe haven currency. In times of economic uncertainty liquidity tends to move away from the Euro-zone into Switzerland. Follow the NZD/CHF rate and explore this noteworthy trade vehicle.