Handel MarketAxess Holdings Inc. - MKTX CFD

MarketAxess Holdings Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates an electronic trading platform that enables fixed-income market participants to trade corporate bonds and other types of fixed-income instruments worldwide. It offers institutional investor and broker-dealer the access to global liquidity in U.S. high-grade corporate bonds, emerging markets and high-yield bonds, European bonds, U.S. agency bonds, municipal bonds, credit default swaps, and other fixed-income securities. The company, through its Open Trading protocol, executes trades in certain bonds between and among institutional investor and broker-dealer clients in an all-to-all trading environment on a matched principal basis. It also offers trading-related products and services, including market data to assist clients with trading decisions; connectivity solutions that facilitate straight-through processing; technology services to optimize trading environments; and execution services for exchange-traded fund managers and other clients. In addition, the company, through its Trax division, offers a range of pre-and post-trade services, including trade matching, trade publication, regulatory transaction reporting, and market and reference data across a range of fixed-income and other products. MarketAxess Holdings Inc. was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

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