A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt nagy a kockázata a gyors pénzvesztésnek.A lakossági befektetők 70%-a veszít pénzt a CFD-kereskedés során ennél a szolgáltatónál..Fontolja meg, hogy tisztában van-e a CFD-k működésével, és hogy megengedheti-e magának, hogy vállalja a pénzvesztés magas kockázatát. Kérjük, tekintse meg Kockázatfeltáró nyilatkozatunkat
Unilever is a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company. The company’s segments include Personal Care, which primarily includes sales of skin care and hair care products, deodorants and oral care products; Foods, which primarily includes sales of soups, bouillons, sauces, snacks, mayonnaise, salad dressings, margarines and spreads; Home Care, which primarily includes sales of home care products, such as powders, liquids and capsules, soap bars and a range of cleaning products, and Refreshment, which primarily includes sales of ice cream and tea-based beverages. The company’s geographical segments include Asia, the Americas and Europe. Unilever operates in more than 100 countries, selling its products in more than 190 countries. The company operates approximately 310 factories in over 70 countries. It operates a network of over 400 warehouses globally. Get all the latest on Unilever (UL) share price at Capital.com.
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