Kereskedés Coinbase Global Inc (Extended hours) - COIN CFD

Coinbase Global Inc (Extended Hours)

Track the Coinbase share price today and spot the best levels for profitable CFD trades 

Coinbase is an American cryptocurrency exchange platform, a subsidiary of Coinbase Global, Inc. Founded in 2012 by a former Airbnb engineer Brian Armstrong and a former Goldman Sachs trader Fred Ehrsam, Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency platform in the United States by trading volume (as of March 2021). 

Driven by a mission to build the crypto economy, ie a more accessible, fair and transparent crypto-enabled financial system, Coinbase offers a platform where people can buy, hold and trade various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, etc. It delivers services for both institutional and retail cryptocurrency investors, and other crypto-related products.

By 2021, Coinbase attracted 43 million verified users from over 100 countries around the world, had a total trading volume of more than $455 billion, $90 billion assets on the platform and a team of 1,200 employees. 

In spring 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic, Coinbase proclaimed itself a “remote-first” company with no official headquarters. In January 2021, the company first announced its plans to go public and proceeded with an SEC filing for a direct listing.

Eventually, Coinbase share price floated on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol COIN. The company preferred to list the COIN stock straight through a direct listing (DPO), instead of a traditional initial public offering. The same technique was also used by big names such as Palantir (PLTR) and Spotify (SPOT) in recent years. 

Despite a massive sell-off in March 2020, driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, its consequences and fears, the cryptocurrency market managed to rebound quickly and move forward to reach significant gains by the end of 2020 and beyond.

Coinbase hit the public market following months of impressive crypto market growth, as more and more institutional investors adopt cryptocurrencies and retail investors rush to buy Bitcoin and promising altcoins, delivering outstanding returns to Coinbase.  

According to the company’s SEC filing, it earned $322 million on revenues of more than $1.2 billion in 2020. This could be considered a huge improvement from 2019, when Coinbase registered $30 million in losses on revenues of $522 million. 

Today you can trade COIN shares with CFDs directly from the interactive Coinbase stock price chart at Follow the COIN share price and decide whether to open a long or a short trade, depending on the stock’s performance. Track the COIN stock price today and include this popular cryptocurrency exchange platform into your investment portfolio.

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