Sinarmas Land Company profile
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Sinarmas Land is the leading and most diversified real estate and property development company in Indonesia. The subsidiary of Sinar Mas Group, Sinarmas Land consists of two property companies, Duta Pertiwi and Bumi Serpong Damai — both with established market cap of over $2bn.
The largest property developer in South East Asia, Sinarmas Land Limited operates in Indonesia, China, Malaysia and Singapore. Owning around 10,000 hectares of strategic land, the company is involved in various projects, including city development, residential, retail, commercial, township and hospitality properties development.
Founded in 1988, Sinarmas Land has two major city development projects: City (Kota Deltamas and BSD City) and Township (Grand Wisata and Kota Wisata).
Sinarmas Land share price is listed and traded on the Singapore exchange under the ticker symbol A26. With, you can access the Sinarmas Land share price in real time.
Looking at the Sinarmas Land stock price performance at the beginning of 2021, we can note that it has been rather bullish with the price surging from 0.205 SGD on January 1, 2021 to 0.250 SGD on March 19, 2021. In the last year, Sinarmas Land Ltd. (A26) stock fluctuated within a range of 0.135 - 0.255 SGD.
Still, the Sinarmas share price declined over five years in a row, falling from 0.835 SGD in March 2015 to 0.150 SGD in March 2020. Since then the stock has gradually rebounded to its current levels of around 0.250 SGD. According to the Sinarmas Land half year financial statement for the period ended June 30, 2020, the company’s revenue declined 48.7 per cent from S$560.940m for the first half of 2019 to S$287,574m for the first half of 2020. Operating profit declined 74 per cent for the same period ended June 30, 2020.
You can trade Sinarmas Land’s shares today with CFDs directly from the interactive A26 stock chart at Follow the Sinarmas Land share price live and decide whether to open a long or a short trade, depending on the stock’s performance. Track the latest Sinarmas Land stock price and include this Singapore-based property developer into your investment portfolio.
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