CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and can afford the risks.Trading CFDs is high risk and is not suitable for everyone. Refer to our PDS and Target Market Determination. AFSL 513393
The base currency – EUR. The counter currency – PLN. The EUR/PLN rate is the Euro/Polish Zloty pair. The EUR/PLN chart shows how much the EUR is worth when measured against the PLN. The traditional Polish currency – Zloty – dates back to the Middle Ages and can be translated as ‘golden’. Before the economic crisis of 2008, Zloty had performed as an investment currency related to Euro. It reached its highest level during the credit boom in 2006-2007. Nevertheless, with the beginning of 2008 recession, Western European countries pulled their money out of Poland and the PLN currency had lost a third of its value compared to Euro by the year 2010.