Handeln IBEX Limited - IBEX CFD

IBEX Limited provides end-to-end technology-enabled customer lifecycle experience solutions in the United States and internationally. The company provides ibex Connect, a customer engagement solution that comprises customer service, technical support, revenue generation, and other value-added outsourced back-office services through the CX model, which integrates voice, email, chat, SMS, social media, and other communication applications; ibex Digital, a customer acquisition solution that includes digital marketing, e-commerce technology, and platform solutions; and ibex CX, a customer experience solution, which provides a suite of proprietary software tools to measure, monitor, and manage its clients'' customer experience. As of October 1, 2021, the company operated 33 customer engagement and three customer acquisition delivery centers. It serves banking and financial services, delivery and logistics, health tech and wellness, high tech, retail and e-commerce, streaming and entertainment, travel and hospitality, and utility industries. The company was formerly known as IBEX Holdings Limited and changed its name to IBEX Limited in September 2019. The company was incorporated in 2017 and is headquartered in Washington, District of Columbia. IBEX Limited is a subsidiary of The Resource Group International Limited.

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