Most volatile cryptos

Check out today’s most volatile cryptocurrency pairs below and see if they fit your trading strategy.
SellBuySpread1D Chg, %1D Charts
BTS/BTCBitshares to Bitcoin
CITY/USDManchester City to US Dollar
NEO/BTCNEO to Bitcoin
SRM/USDSerum to US Dollar
GRT/BTCGraph to Bitcoin
CRO/ Coin to US Dollar

Guidance on most volatile crypto

How can I trade cryptocurrencies?

To trade cryptocurrencies, start by choosing a reliable trading platform like Once you’ve been verified and have deposited funds, search the cryptocurrency markets we offer on our platform. These include Bitcoin (available through our BTC/USD CFD market) and Ethereum (ETH/USD).Then, decide on your trade size and apply risk-management tools like stop-loss orders* and take-profit orders. Open your CFD position long or short and monitor it in line with fundamental and/or technical drivers. Finally, when you’ve identified an exit point, close your position.

*Not all stop-losses are guaranteed.

Why are cryptocurrencies so volatile?

Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile for several reasons. Firstly, the crypto market is relatively young and less liquid compared to traditional markets, leading to larger potential price swings. Second, regulatory news, technological changes, and market sentiment can cause rapid shifts in demand. Lastly, the speculative nature of crypto trading can attract traders seeking quick profits, amplifying price movements. This combination of factors results in significant volatility in cryptocurrency prices.

Is crypto riskier than stocks?

Yes, cryptocurrencies are generally considered riskier to trade than stocks. While both asset classes can be volatile, cryptocurrencies often experience more extreme price fluctuations over shorter periods of time. On top of this, the crypto market is less regulated, making it more susceptible to fraud and market manipulation. These factors can contribute to a higher risk profile for cryptocurrencies compared to traditional stocks.

Which crypto has the most volatility?

Although cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are known for their volatility, other cryptocurrencies often exhibit even higher levels of price fluctuations. Coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and other lesser-known tokens can experience extreme volatility due to lower market liquidity, speculative trading, and sudden changes in investor sentiment. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and understand the risks before trading cryptocurrencies.