Unitedhealth Company profile
Minnesota, US. The firm offers healthcare coverage and benefits through UnitedHealth and Optum, a technology and data-enabled care delivery.
UnitedHealth offers plans and services for employers, small businesses and individuals in preventive and acute healthcare, chronic disease, and other specialised issues. The company has specialised Medicaid plans and health insurance services for children.
Optum is divided into segments such as Optum Health, OptumInsight and OptumRx. The company offers software and information products, advisory consulting arrangements, and managed services outsourcing contracts.
Optum’s segments also focus on pharmacy care services and programs, step therapy, formulary management, drug adherence, and disease and drug therapy management.
The company went public in 1984 on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). UnitedHealth Group Incorporated stock is trading under the ticker symbol UNH. You can track live UNH share value and price history at Capital.com.
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