UBS Company profile
About UBS Group AG
UBS Group AG is a holding company and conducts its operations through UBS AG and its subsidiaries. The Company comprises Corporate Center and five business divisions: Wealth Management, Wealth Management Americas, Personal & Corporate Banking, Asset Management and the Investment Bank. Wealth Management division provides advice and tailored financial services to wealthy private clients around the world, except those served by Wealth Management Americas. Wealth Management Americas division is a wealth manager in the Americas in terms of financial advisor productivity and invested assets by financial advisor. Personal & Corporate Banking division provides financial products and services to private, corporate and institutional clients in Switzerland. Asset Management division provides investment management products and services, platform solutions and advisory support. Investment Bank division provides investment advice, financial solutions and capital markets access.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, UBS Group AG interest income decreased 1% to $9.96B. Net interest income after loan loss provision increased 33% to $6.85B. Net income increased 14% to $7.46B. Net interest income after loan loss provision reflects Personal & Corporate Banking segment increase of 23% to $2.21B, Global Wealth management segment increase of 8% to $4.27B.
Equity composition
The consolidated statements have been prepared using the pooling of interest method of accounting and 1997 accounts have been restated to reflect the merger. 11/2011, Rights Issue, 1 new share for every 9 shares held @ CHF49.9 (Factor: 1.01853).
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