عقود الفروقات هي أدوات معقدة وتنطوي على مخاطر عالية قد تؤدي الى خسارة سريعة للأموال بسبب الرافعة المالية. 75٪ من حسابات مستثمري التجزئة تخسر المال عند تداول عقود الفروقات مع هذا المزود. يجب أن تفكر فيما إذا كنت تفهم كيفية عمل عقود الفروقات وما إذا كنت تستطيع تحمل مخاطر عالية قد تؤدي الى خسارة اموالك.
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    Account type offered Retail, Professional Retail, Professional Retail Retail, Professional Retail, Wholesale (Professional)
    حماية من الرصيد السلبي Available across all retail accounts
    Supported languages We support 10+ languages worldwide
    Client fund protection Retail client funds are stored in segregated accounts
    الشروط والسياسات CCUK CCSV CCSEY CCBAH CCAU
    Account type offered Retail, Professional
    حماية من الرصيد السلبي Available across all retail accounts
    Supported languages We support 10+ languages worldwide
    Client fund protection Retail client funds are stored in segregated accounts
    الشروط والسياسات CCUK
    Account type offered Retail, Professional
    حماية من الرصيد السلبي Available across all retail accounts
    Supported languages We support 10+ languages worldwide
    Client fund protection Retail client funds are stored in segregated accounts
    الشروط والسياسات CCSV
    Account type offered Retail
    حماية من الرصيد السلبي Available across all retail accounts
    Supported languages We support 10+ languages worldwide
    Client fund protection Retail client funds are stored in segregated accounts
    الشروط والسياسات CCSEY
    Account type offered Retail, Professional
    حماية من الرصيد السلبي Available across all retail accounts
    Supported languages We support 10+ languages worldwide
    Client fund protection Retail client funds are stored in segregated accounts
    الشروط والسياسات CCBAH
    Account type offered Retail, Wholesale (Professional)
    حماية من الرصيد السلبي Available across all retail accounts
    Supported languages We support 10+ languages worldwide
    Client fund protection Retail client funds are stored in segregated accounts
    الشروط والسياسات CCAU

    If you have any questions about our offices, you can contact our Support team via email or live chat.

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