The copper-to-gold ratio, a key market barometer to track the business cycle, is showing the first signs of stagflation.

The dollar remains unrivalled as the global reserve currency with the euro still far from challenging its position.

Talk of further rate cuts with Turkey's inflation rate at 73% will likely mean more pain ahead

The Russian ruble (RUB) and other Central Eastern European currencies could experience volatility in the event of a conflict between Russia and Ukraine

The yen has demonstrated its role as a safe haven during times of recession, gaining on average 3.5% versus the USD

As experts predict that oil prices will rise to $200 per barrel due to supply interruptions from Russia, stagflation fears mount.

The copper-to-gold ratio offers useful insights about economic health, but also shows tightkt correlates with value stocks.

In the case of a breakdown in faith in the US currency and rampant inflation, the value of gold may rise more than tenfold, reaching $20,000 per ounce.

The outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine is propelling a rally in commodities, raising fears for the start of a new commodity supercycle.

The preconditions for a gold rally have been accumulating, as geopolitics and inflation risk threaten global growth

Geopolitical concerns ease as Russia and the US agree to meet, sparking a recovery in investors’ risk appetite

Inflation soared at the fastest rate in 40 years in the United States, causing large intraday price actions in major asset classes.

What lies behind the spike in market volatility seen to far this year in January 2022?