The market has weighed up conflicting information on Freeport operations

Energy bills remain high despite tumbling gas prices. Read more in our latest forecast round-up.

Australian stocks may offer an opportunity to diversify into mining and commodity sectors.

Recent gains in the EUR/USD exchange rate have been driven by the price gap between US and European natural gas, not the ECB's outsized rate hike in September.

Global commodities had mixed performances this week. Metals have been aided by a dollar weakening, while energy suffered recent political developments.

The major trend in EUR/CAD remains bearish, with no signs of a reversal in global oil prices or Euro Area-Canada rate differentials.

The widening divergences between Europe’s Dutch TTF and Henry Hub natural gas prices are adding a further downside risk for the EUR/USD pair.

EUR/USD recovered 1.025 levels, boosted by rising expectations of an ECB half-point raise at tomorrow’s meeting

Solar energy stocks are expected to benefit from the energy crisis in Europe