Conserving savings is a top concern in 2022, as the global economy faces abnormally high inflation and poor growth prospects

The copper-to-gold ratio, a key market barometer to track the business cycle, is showing the first signs of stagflation.

can the leading energy provider bounce back to its pandemic highs?

We look at the platinum and palladium markets and the potential price outlook for both metals.

Could South Africa be the answer to platinum group metals shortages and Russian sanctions?

Is a financial crash imminent? Capital.com speaks to Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff about whether a financial crash is on the cards for 2022

Platinum demand is likely to increase in the coming years as the green hydrogen evolution advances

As experts predict that oil prices will rise to $200 per barrel due to supply interruptions from Russia, stagflation fears mount.

The London Metals Exchange recently announced that it is exiting the gold and silver futures market

Gold mining stocks such as Barrick Gold have seen a considerable surge in the first quarter of the year

The copper-to-gold ratio offers useful insights about economic health, but also shows tightkt correlates with value stocks.

Platinum and palladium have historically been substituted for each other several times in the auto industry