Here you can look at high quality price charts for your Main Price Feed, and access other Price Feeds.
Controls and Navigation:
Smartwatches with Glance Support
Use UP/DOWN buttons to switch Price Feeds, or press START to enter the Configuration and Settings menu.
Smartwatches with Glance Support and GPS button
Use UP/DOWN buttons to switch Price Feeds, or press GPS to enter the Configuration and Settings menu.
Smartwatches with no Glance Support
Press the START button to switch Price Feeds, or press and hold the MENU button to enter the Configuration and Settings menu.
Smartwatches with touchscreen and one button
TAP the touchscreen to switch Price Feeds;
HOLD the touchscreen to enter the Configuration and Settings menu.
Smartwatches with touchscreen and two buttons
TAP the touchscreen to switch Price Feeds;
HOLD the touchscreen to enter the Configuration and Settings menu. Alternatively, you can press and hold the
MENU button to enter Configuration and Settings.
Smartwatches with touchscreen, two buttons and Glance Support
TAP the touchscreen to switch Price Feeds;
HOLD the touchscreen to enter the Configuration and Settings menu. Alternatively, you can press and hold the
MENU button to enter Configuration and Settings.
Smartwatches with touchscreen and five buttons
Use UP/DOWN buttons to switch Price Feeds, or press START to enter the Configuration and Settings menu.
Alternatively, if touchscreen is enabled, you can SWIPE UP, SWIPE DOWN or TAP the touchscreen to switch Price Feeds. HOLD the touchscreen to enter the Configuration and Settings.
Price Heartbeat
Price Heartbeat is a visual indicator of price updates that changes even if the price has not changed since the last update. This provides a clear visual clue that you are looking at the up to date price, and price feed connection is healthy and not limited by power saving.
The appearance of Price Heartbeat will change with every price update received.
Price Heartbeat changes freeze with empty heartbeat markers if no price updates are available at the moment.
Price Health Status
Price Health Status is a visual indicator of price update progress, and it is designed to give you an idea of the reason for the price not updating.
If the price is healthy and updating properly, no visual indicator is shown.
This is shown if a price request is sent, and the watch is waiting for an update to come from our servers.
This is shown if price updates are paused as Power Saving mode is activated - check your watch battery level and Power Saving options selected in Settings.
Shown if unable to get price updates due to a local error - this typically happens when there is no Bluetooth connection with a phone.
Shown if unable to get price updates due to a remote error - this typically happens when a phone has no internet connection, if data transfer is limited due to Roaming mode, or internet connection is slow or laggy due to low radio signal or bad network coverage.
Shown at the Glance View if price updates are only available in background at the smartwatch-specific intervals.
Price Scaling
If price value is too large to fit your smartwatch screen, widget will automatically scale the Quote Currency and will display price in thousands of Quote Currency units.
When Quote Currency Scaling is applied, the k character (stands for kilo) will be prepended to the Quote Currency part of the price ticker name.
For example, price of Bitcoin to Japanese Yen can be displayed in thousands of Yen, and the ticker name will be shown as BTC/kJPY.
If price value is too small and has too many leading zeros, widget will automatically scale the Lot Size and will display price of a thousand of coin/token units.
When Lot Size Scaling is applied, the k character (stands for kilo) will be prepended to the coin/token part of the price ticker name.
For example, price of Shiba Inu to US Dollar can be displayed for a thousand of SHIB, and the ticker name will be shown as kSHIB/USD.