Handel Weibo Corporation - WB CFD

Weibo Corporation operates as a social media platform for people to create, distribute, and discover Chinese-language content. It operates through two segments, Advertising and Marketing Services, and Other Services. The company offers self-expression products that enable its users to express themselves on its platform; social products to promote social interaction between users on its platform; discovery products to help users discover content on its platform; and notifications to notify users on Weibo account activities through SMS or push notification on their device. It also provides third-party online games, including role playing, card, strategy, and real life simulation games, as well as various services and functions to VIP members; and develops mobile apps comprising Weibo Headlines that aggregates news and information from Weibo and other online sources, as well as Weibo Weather, a weather app. In addition, the company offers advertising and marketing solutions, such as social display ads; and promoted feeds, accounts, and trends to enable its customers to promote their brands and conduct marketing activities. Further, it provides products that allow its platform partners to link their Websites and mobile apps to its platform, enabling their users to share content to Weibo; application programming interfaces, which allow third-party developers to build apps to serve individual and organization users; Weibo Credit that allows its users to purchase in-game virtual items and other fee-based services on Weibo. The company was formerly known as T.CN Corporation and changed its name to Weibo Corporation in 2012. The company was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. Weibo Corporation is a subsidiary of SINA Corporation.

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Polecam wszystkim możesz zacząć już od 20f szybka wpłata wypłata żadnych komplikacji dodatkowo edukacja i pomoc.. oby jak najwięcej takich uczciwych firm


Klarowna, pomocna informacja i usluga oraz kontakt na bardzo dobrym poziomie. Polecam


Brak problemów z wypłacaniem pieniędzy, pomoc odzywa się od razu i wyjaśnia wszelkie problemy. Serdecznie polecam ;)

D****** D******

fajna aplikacja tryb demo jest idealny dla początkujących.

T**** T****

Ok platforma jak i wpłata depozytu i wypłata jest w miarę błyskawiczne, jak narazie będę korzystał z tej platformy.


Działa i to się liczy. Obsługa pomaga zawsze na czas.

P******** M****

Świetna aplikacja do zarabiania można startować od małych kwot naprawdę polecam

D***** R****

Jest powazna firma i bardzo pomocna ,pomaga rozwiazac problemy,podpowiada konkretne wyjscia,na kazde pytanie odpowiada,nikogo nie lekcewazy

B***** S*********

jestem zadowolona ,platforma uczciwa,rzetelna,profesjonalna,
pomocna, wiarygodna,polecam z cala odpowiedzialnoscia


Fajna platforma i bardzo dobrze widoczna


Dopiero zaczynam i zapoznaje się z aplikacją ale z każdą chwilą jest coraz bardziej mi się podoba

G******* K****

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