Handel SolarWinds Corporation - SWI CFD

SolarWinds Corporation provides information technology (IT) infrastructure management software products in the United States and internationally. It offers products to monitor and manage network, system, desktop, application, storage, and database and website infrastructures, whether on-premise, in the public or private cloud, or in a hybrid IT infrastructure. The company provides a suite of network management software that provides real-time visibility into network utilization and bandwidth, as well as the ability to detect, diagnose, and resolve network performance problems; and a suite of infrastructure management products, which monitor and analyze the performance of applications and their supporting infrastructure. It offers suite of application performance management software that enable visibility into log data, cloud infrastructure metrics, applications, tracing, and Web performance management; and AppOptics, which integrates application performance, server infrastructure monitoring, and custom metrics into one unified cloud-based solution, as well as provides service management software. In addition, the company provides IT service management solutions to enable managed service providers (MSPs) to deliver outsourced IT services and manage their own businesses. Its remote monitoring and management software, which monitors desktops, laptops, servers, and mobile devices across operating systems and platforms. Further, it offers an email protection and archiving platform on a standalone basis that protects businesses from phishing, malware, and other email-borne threats. The company markets and sells its products directly to network and systems engineers, database administrators, storage administrators, DevOps professionals, and managed service providers. The company was formerly known as SolarWinds Parent, Inc. and changed its name to SolarWinds Corporation in May 2018. SolarWinds Corporation was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Austin, Texas.

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