Handel AIB Group PLC - A5G CFD

AIB Group plc, formerly RPML 1966 Holdings plc, is the holding company of Allied Irish Banks PLC and its subsidiaries (AIB). AIB is a financial services group operating predominantly in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, providing a range of services to retail customers, as well as business and corporate customers. AIB's segments include Retail & Commercial Banking (RCB), Wholesale, Institutional & Corporate Banking (WIB) and AIB UK. RCB is a provider of retail and commercial banking products and services. RCB offers retail banking services through three brands, AIB, EBS and Haven, and commercial banking services through the AIB brand. WIB provides wholesale, institutional and corporate banking services to AIB's larger customers or customers requiring specific sector or product capabilities. AIB UK offers services in two markets, Northern Ireland, where it operates under the trading name of First Trust Bank, and Great Britain, where it operates as Allied Irish Bank.

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