I CFD sono strumenti complessi e comportano un rischio significativo di perdere denaro rapidamente a causa della leva finanziaria. 67% di conti di investitori al dettaglio perdono denaro nelle negoziazioni in CFD con questo fornitore. Valuta se comprendi il funzionamento dei CFD e se puoi permetterti di correre l'elevato rischio di perdere il tuo denaro. Informativa sui rischi.
Presight AI Holding PLC (ADX: PRESIGHT) is a leading artificial intelligence and big data analytics company, specialising in AI-driven solutions for government, security, healthcare, and financial services. By leveraging advanced analytics, machine learning, and predictive intelligence, the company empowers organisations to make data-driven decisions with precision and efficiency. With a strong focus on digital transformation, Presight AI develops scalable AI solutions that enhance operational performance, improve security, and drive innovation across multiple industries. Its commitment to ethical AI and responsible data usage ensures trust and transparency in all its technological advancements. As demand for AI-driven insights continues to grow, Presight AI remains at the forefront of intelligent analytics, shaping the future of decision-making through cutting-edge technology and innovation.
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