What is the International Underwriting Association?
The International Underwriting Association of London (IUA) represents companies that trade in the London insurance market outside Lloyd's. Its mission is: "To promote and enhance the business environment for international insurance and reinsurance companies operating in or through London."
Where have you heard about the International Underwriting Association?
The IUA is frequently cited in the trade and financial press. For example, it recently welcomed news that the US Treasury and Office of the US Trade Representative plan to sign the EU/US covered agreement relating to insurance and reinsurance practices.
What you need to know about the International Underwriting Association.
The IUA was formed on 31 December 1998, through the merger of the London International Insurance and Reinsurance Market Association and the Institute of London Underwriters. Malcolm Newman is currently IUA Chairman, and Dave Matcham is Chief Executive.
The association promotes the design and implementation of all aspects of market modernisation, including process reforms and electronic interfaces across the market. It monitors and responds as necessary to regulatory developments. A secretariat supports various underwriting and claims committees which provide technical input and best practice ideas to benefit the membership.
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