Kingfisher Company profile
What is Kingfisher plc?
Kingfisher plc (KGF) is a leading European home improvement retailer with a workforce of around 78,000 and customer numbers approaching the 6 million mark. Its portfolio of brands includes: B&Q, the largest home improvement and garden centre retailer in the U.K.; Castorama, a DIY chain present in France, Poland and Russia; Brico Dépôt, a low cost store format; Screwfix, the U.K.'s largest multi-channel supplier of trade tools, plumbing and electricals; and Koçtaş, the no.1 home improvement retailer in Turkey.
In the year to 31 January 2018, the U.K. market accounted for 43% of Kingfisher’s total sales, with France accounting for 38%, and all other countries 19%. As of April 2018, Kingfisher had a market capitalisation of around £6.5 billion, putting the company in the bottom third of the FTSE 100 index.
Who are the key people at Kingfisher plc?
French businesswoman Véronique Laury has been Chief Executive Officer of Kingfisher since February 2015, prior to which she worked at the company’s Castorama subsidiary for 11 years. Andy Cosslett has served as Chairman of the Board since June 2017. Other leading figures at Kingfisher include: Karen Witts (Chief Financial Officer); Pierre Woreczek (Chief Customer Officer); and Steve Willett (Chief Transformation Officer).
What is the modern history of Kingfisher plc?
Kingfisher traces its roots back to 1982 when Paternoster acquired F.W. Woolworth. With the deal came the B&Q store chain, which subsequently expanded to become the U.K.’s leading home improvement retailer. Then in 1998 B&Q merged with Castorama, owner of the fast-growing Brico Dépôt chain. Kingfisher added Screwfix to its portfolio in 1999.
In the 2000s Kingfisher decided to focus exclusively on its home improvement businesses and continued its international expansion in Europe and Asia.In 2013 it entered its first new market in seven years with the acquisition of Bricostore's home improvement chain in Romania.
In January 2016, the company announced a transformation plan entitled ONE Kingfisher, under which it is seeking to create a unified, unique and leading home improvement offer, driving its digital capability and optimising operational efficiency. The plan aims to achieve £500 million of sustainable profit uplift by year 5, over and above “business as usual”.
What are the latest developments at Kingfisher plc?
In its final results for the year ended 31 January 2018, Kingfisher reported a mixed performance, with solid growth at Screwfix and Poland, offset by weaker sales in France. The company posted statutory pre-tax profit of £682m (down 10.1% on the previous year); statutory post-tax profit of £485m (down 20.5%); and basic EPS of 22.1p (down 18.5% from 27.1p the year before).
The Kingfisher share price stood at over 400p in May 2014 but dropped to 300p in August of that year. Since then the shares have periodically recovered to 350p or higher, but in April 2018 they were back down to 300p. To find out how the shares are doing right now, follow Our KGF chart puts all the information at your fingertips.
Where does Kingfisher plc operate?
The company has almost 1,300 stores, with operations in 10 countries: the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey.
Where is Kingfisher plc traded?
Kingfisher shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). In the United States, Kingfisher ordinary shares are traded on the Over-The-Counter (OTC) Market in the form of American Depositary Receipts (KGFHY). Kingfisher is a constituent of two investment indices – the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the FTSE4Good. Check out for the latest KGF chart. We’ll keep you up to date and in the picture.
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