Keppel Corp Company profile
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Keppel Corporation Ltd was founded as a local ship repair yard in Singapore in 1960. From these humble beginnings, Keppel Group has expanded into three key business units consisting of Offshore & Marine, Infrastructure, and Property with operations spanning over 30 countries.
Keppel Offshore & Marine is a market leading provider of specialised offshore rig design and manufacturing services as well as niche shipbuilding, repair and conversion. Its strategic global network of over 20 interconnected facilities service the most significant offshore markets across the world and enable effective execution of the near-market cost reduction strategy that is the focus of the company. The infrastructure business is located in close proximity to offshore facilities offering complimentary services such as environmental risk management, logistics management and remote location power generation.
In line with its vertically integrated business operations the Keppel Land and Property division focuses on the acquisition and development of strategic properties with a concentration of activities in the manufacturing and financial hubs of China, Vietnam and Singapore. Keppel Telecommunications and Transportation offers complimentary solutions to businesses in Asia and Europe that align with its other business lines in offshore operations and property development.
Keppel Corp stock has traded within the 52-week range of S$4.80 - S$6.30 and the company has a market capitalisation of just over S$9.34 billion in 2020. The company saw a steep decrease in revenue for 2020 at S$6.574, down almost a billion Singapore dollars from 2019. This decline in revenue, coupled with large investments in expansions pushed the company into the red with a loss of S$500 million for the 2020 fiscal year. The company is well poised to take advantage of increased economic activity as the world recovers from the downturn caused by the pandemic of 2020.
The latest Keppel Corp stock price is listed on the main board of the Singapore Stock Exchange, under the ticker symbol BN4. By accessing the live price chart on you can access the BN4 stock price in real time.
You can trade BN4 stock now with CFDs and open a long or short position, depending on whether you feel the price will rise or fall. CFDs allow you to profit from upward or downward fluctuations in the BN4 share price on the SGX at Track the BN4 share price and include this Singapore-listed multinational company in your investment portfolio.
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