Heijmans Company profile
About Heijmans N.V.
Heijmans NV is an engineering and construction company based in the Netherlands. It provides solutions ranging from concept and design to maintenance and management, and operates through four segments: The Property Development segment focuses on area development and property development in urban and non-urban areas, and sells or rents out houses and apartments; the Residential Building segment focuses on the construction of new homes, as well as on redevelopment, restoration and renovation of existing house stock; the Non-Residential segment realizes buildings in the market segments of healthcare, government, commercial property and the high-tech clean industry, and the Infra segment specializes in the installation, maintenance and improvement of infrastructure, such as roads, underground infrastructure, viaducts, tunnels, cables, pipelines, energy supplies, sluices, and water purification infrastructure, among others.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Heijmans N.V. revenues remained flat at EUR1.75B. Net income increased 25% to EUR50M. Revenues reflect market conditions. Net income benefited from Share of profit of joint ventures and as increase from EUR10.8M (expense) to EUR5M (income). Basic Earnings per Share excluding Extraordinary Items increased from EUR1.85 to EUR2.24.
Equity composition
06/2009, Rights Issue, 6 new share for every 1 share held @ EUR 0.7 (Factor: 3.37037). 10/2009, 1-for-10 reverse stock split.
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