Facebook share price history demonstrates massive gains for investors while strong future fundamentals will likely allow to repeat its success again this decade.

Follow the latest Shell share price forecast and dive into the Royal Dutch Shell stock analysis to form your own view on whether the world’s famous oil & gas giant can bring you some attractive trading opportunities.

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Learn all about what Microsoft is, its share trading hours, and how to trade Microsoft share CFDs with Capital.com.

Europe's largest oil company has had a rocky year. After the initial excitement of Q1, Shell shares were hit by the US-China trade war and industry-wide low margins. Now is a good time to analyse the recent Royal Dutch Shell share price history – and make some predictions about 2020.

Explore HSBC share price predictions with Capital.com. Follow the latest HSBC share price news to form your own view on whether the banking giant can bring you some attractive trading opportunities.

UK's second-largest construction contractor Kier Group has had a very rough year, with its stock price falling more than 75 per cent. At just 96.75p, Kier shares are now cheaper than ever and can seem like a good buy. So is Kier worth buying – or avoiding like the plague?